Save our Seabed: Classification and Food web - lesson plan

Lesson plan for the activity: To complete a scientific sketch an organism found within a native seagrass meadow To take part in a discussion about how your organism is similar or different to others To see how the organisms are related taxonomically To complete a food web as a class

Save our Seabed: Classification and Food web - lesson plan_0
Save our Seabed: Classification and...

Anzahl verwenden: 1

Hochgeladen von: oct-admin

Save our Seabed: Classification and Food web - lesson plan_1
Save our Seabed: Classification and...

Anzahl verwenden: 1

Hochgeladen von: oct-admin

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Britische Teilnehmer am Horizon Europe-Projekt ProBleu [101113001] werden durch UKRI-Fördernummern unterstützt: 10082336 Earthwatch Europe, 10081234 Plymouth Marine Laboratory und 10082355 Ocean Conservation Trust.

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