Satellite orbits Polar (low earth orbit) In this orbit, the satellite travels from pole to pole closer to Earth and orbit earth several times a day. ~700-800 km above earth Used for many scientific applications, including mapping vegetation and land cover, ice, pollution, fires Animation of Sentinel 3 satellite showing the ‘swath’ of the Ocean and Land Colour Instrument- the area of the Earth's surface that its sensor can see as it orbits the planet. Credit : ©ESA/ATG medialab An animation showing a spacecraft in a polar orbit. Credit: NASA
Original Slide Deck: Science from space - Introduction to satellites
Topics: Ocean. Climate. Ocean Temperature.
Suitable Ages: 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18.
Keywords: Climate. Ocean Colour. Satellite. Temperature. Weather.
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