Script for plastic pollution animation

Script for plastic pollution animation

Script for plastic pollution animation Join us on a journey following the path of plastic litter as it makes its way from land to sea, and discover what you can do to help with this global problem. A crisp packet is carelessly dropped on the street. Rain washes it into a nearby river, where it bobs along with the current, carried downstream towards the coast. Along the way, it passes by towns and cities, picking up more discarded plastic items - a drinks bottle here, a shopping bag there. The discarded crisp packet reaches the mouth of the river and enters the vast ocean. At first, it floats on the surface, carried along by winds and tides. But the ocean is a harsh environment. Waves, salt water, and the intense light from the sun, cause the plastic to become brittle and break apart into smaller and smaller pieces known as microplastics.  These tiny plastic fragments are carried far and wide by ocean currents. Some are mistaken for food by marine life, from tiny plankton to giant whales. Others continue to break down, becoming so small that they are invisible to the human eye. Down the microplastics go, through the water column. The once-clear blue waters become darker and colder. Strange, glowing creatures drift by, their waters now dotted with plastic particles. Deeper still, the plastic comes to rest on the seabed, settling among delicate corals and ancient rock formations. Here, in the slow, silent world of the deep sea, the plastic will remain for hundreds of years. A permanent reminder of a moment of human carelessness.  But this doesn't have to be the end of the story.  Each of us has the power to help keep plastics out of our oceans.  From making smart choices about the things we use, to responsibly disposing of our waste, to participating in beach clean-ups and supporting local recycling programmes - we can all play a part. So join us on this crucial mission. Together, we can turn the tide on marine plastic pollution and protect the incredible diversity of life in our seas. The journey starts with you!

Script for plastic pollution animation

Original Slide Deck: Plastic pollution

Topics: Plastic Pollution.
Suitable Ages: 7. 8. 9. 10. 11.
Keywords: Conservation. Ecosystems. Microplastics. Pollution. Sustainability.
Uploaded By: pml-admin
Number of bundles using this content: 1

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Plastic pollution

This resource takes students on a virtual journey exploring the impact...

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