Trends in sea surface temperature Using satellite observations, we can monitor how sea surface temperature has changed over time. The average sea surface temperature has increased by about 0.6°C over the last 40 years ( 1980 to 2023). To identify long-term trends in temperature we look at the temperature anomalies – how much a given date differs from the long-term average. While there is an increasing trend there is year-to-year variability . This is due to largescale climate patterns like the El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO). Annual mean sea surface temperature anomalies (°C) for 60°S–60°N, relative to the average for the 1991–2020 reference period. Data source: ERA5, ESA SST CCI Analysis v3, ERSSTv5 , HadSST., HadSST4.0.1.0 . Credit: C3S/ECMWF . These figures are from the Climate Change Service of Copernicus, the European Union's Earth Observation Programme . For interactive versions of these plots see:
Original Slide Deck: Measuring temperature from space
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