The water cycle The water cycle describes how water evaporates, forms clouds, is transported by wind and returned to Earth as rain, snow and condensation. The study of natural water is called ‘hydrology’. Hydrology describes how water flows from higher regions to lakes and the sea. This happens above ground, in streams and rivers, as well as underground. Did you know that there are underground rivers, called aquifers ? Wasserkreislauf May 2005 Licence: GNU-FDL Source: German Wikipedia, by Joooo
Original Slide Deck: Freshwater Resources
Topics: Freshwater. Weather. Nutrient Pollution.
Suitable Ages: 10. 11. 12. 13.
Keywords: . Drought. Ecosystems. Eutrophication. Floods. Food Web. Freshwater. Freshwater Monitoring. Harmful Algal Blooms (Hab). Nutrients. Pollution. Satellite. Soil Moisture. Water Cycle. Water Quality. Water Use.
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An introduction to the water cycle, freshwater resources, and threats ...
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