Where can we find freshwater?

Where can we find freshwater?

Where can we find freshwater? Freshwater is found in clouds, in ice, in the ground and in lakes and rivers . Freshwater contains very little salt and, if the water is clean enough, can be used as drinking water . Most water is found in the oceans (nearly 97%). Only around 2.5% is freshwater, which is mostly in ice, in the ground and in lakes. Groundwater and lake water is most accessible to humans. Where does your drinking water come from? Total global water Freshwater Surface water and other freshwater Oceans Other saline water Groundwater Glaciers and ice caps Soil moisture Atmosphere Lakes Freshwater Surface and other freshwater Swamps, marshes Rivers Living things Ground ice and permafrost Where is Earth’s water? Icons adapted from the noun project, https://thenounproject.com

Where can we find freshwater?

Original Slide Deck: Freshwater Resources

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Freshwater Resources

An introduction to the water cycle, freshwater resources, and threats ...

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