Discuss: what can we do to preserve water and stop droughts?

Discuss: what can we do to preserve water and stop droughts?

Discuss: what can we do to preserve water and stop droughts? [discussion, some suggestions below] Store water in reservoirs when there is lots of rain Deeper or covered reservoirs (lower evaporation) Stop irrigating crops (or harvest early) Plant crops that use less water (explore: which crops use a lot of water?) Use less water / stop unnecessary use (washing cars, watering gardens) Bring water from elsewhere Prepare the soil to store more water (regenerative agriculture) Follow up questions: Who are affected? What is the cost? How effective is it?

Discuss: what can we do to preserve water and stop droughts?

Original Slide Deck: Freshwater Resources

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Freshwater Resources

An introduction to the water cycle, freshwater resources, and threats ...

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