Explore: soil moisture Soil moisture content is typically in the range of 10-60%. An easy classroom method is to compare the weight of fresh soil to dried soil by drying soil samples: A kitchen scale with 1g precision works well for a sample of approximately 100g. Weigh an open container such as a paper plate or sheet of aluminium foil ( container weight) When looking at multiple samples, label each container with a permanent marker and weigh each one. Mix up the soil sample to loosen the structure (bring any bugs back outside) Add an amount of fresh soil to the container and weigh it carefully ( wet soil ) Dry in an oven at 105° C for 24h Weigh the sample in its container again ( dry soil ) Calculate soil moisture content as moisture % = 100 x ( wet – dry ) / ( dry – container ) Notes: Be careful not to spill any soil between weighing the wet and dry sample Compare soil samples before and after rain, and different soil types (sand/clay) Depending on soil structure, plant roots can only absorb water within a given soil moisture range, for example: Type Min Max Sand 5% 12% Loam 13% 29% Clay 23% 42%
Original Slide Deck: Freshwater Resources
Topics: Freshwater. Weather. Nutrient Pollution.
Suitable Ages: 10. 11. 12. 13.
Keywords: . Drought. Ecosystems. Eutrophication. Floods. Food Web. Freshwater. Freshwater Monitoring. Harmful Algal Blooms (Hab). Nutrients. Pollution. Satellite. Soil Moisture. Water Cycle. Water Quality. Water Use.
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