Discuss: Water quality Freshwater (having very little salt) can be used to make drinking water. What else needs to be done to make water safe to drink? Taste Pollution – biology (filter bacteria, viruses, protozoa,..) Particles / Clarity … Pollution - chemical (e.g. heavy metals, pesticides, ..) Acid
Original Slide Deck: Freshwater Resources
Topics: Freshwater. Weather. Nutrient Pollution.
Suitable Ages: 10. 11. 12. 13.
Keywords: . Drought. Ecosystems. Eutrophication. Floods. Food Web. Freshwater. Freshwater Monitoring. Harmful Algal Blooms (Hab). Nutrients. Pollution. Satellite. Soil Moisture. Water Cycle. Water Quality. Water Use.
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An introduction to the water cycle, freshwater resources, and threats ...
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