Why FreshWater Watch Matters Scientific benefits Massive data collection: With over 21,000 data points, FreshWater Watch helps scientists see patterns in water quality. Improved understanding: Data from citizen scientists helps identify issues and guide interventions. Societal benefits Community awareness: Engages people to care about their local environment, often leading to behavioural changes. Informs policy: Data collected can influence local policies, helping communities make informed decisions on water protection. 21,000 datasets collected 37 catchments across the globe 8,000 citizen scientists trained 2,500 ecosystems monitored 30,000 hours of research How do you think citizen science benefits both science and society? Reflect
Original Slide Deck: Freshwater watch - A case study
Topics: Freshwater. Citizen Science. Nutrient Pollution.
Suitable Ages: 18. 15. 16. 17.
Keywords: Freshwater. Freshwater Monitoring. Habitats. Harmful Algal Blooms (Hab).
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