Habitat and geographical distribution

Habitat and geographical distribution

Habitat and geographical distribution The Posidonia oceanica it is a plant exclusive to the Mediterranean Sea, where it forms large and lush underwater meadows in warm and shallow waters, usually at a depth of between 1 and 40 meters. These grasslands extend along the coasts of the Mediterranean coastal countries, from Egypt and Libya in the south, to Spain and France in the north, covering an estimated total area of between 25,000 and 50,000 square kilometers. Posidonia thrives on sandy, rocky or gravel substrates, preferring clear waters and low turbidity, as it needs sunlight for photosynthesis. Although widely distributed, the largest and densest grasslands are found in the most protected areas, such as bays, coves and inlets, where currents and waves are weaker.

Habitat and geographical distribution

Original Slide Deck: Introduction to Posidonia oceanica

Topics: Biodiversity. Ocean.
Suitable Ages: 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18.
Keywords: Conservation. Ecosystems. Habitats. Warming. Water Quality.
Uploaded By: CIFPCanMarines
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