Biodiversity encompasses the vast array of living organisms and their interactions. Scientists study how various species adapt, or struggle to adapt, to environmental changes. Understanding the importance of biodiversity is vital for promoting sustainable development, as it influences our culture, society, and economy. Why teach about biodiversity? Traditional knowledge from Indigenous and local communities, along with formal education in schools, plays a significant role in preserving biodiversity. These sources of knowledge help instil a respect for nature, a sense of environmental responsibility, and provide tools to protect biodiversity.
Topics: Biodiversity. Ocean. Ecosystem Services. Citizen Science.
Suitable Ages: 11. 12. 13. 14.
Keywords: Benthos. Biodiversity. Carbon. Changing Environment. Critical Thinking. Dna. Ecosystem Diversity. Evolution. Food Chain. Genetic Diversity. Management. Marine Life. Organisms. Research. Sampling. Seabed. Species Diversity. Sustainability. Taxonomy.
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Biodiversity encompasses the vast array of living organisms and their ...
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