Overview Age 11-14 years Key Words / Links to the curriculum Biodiversity | Changing environment | Nutrients | Carbon | Pollution | Data | Seabed | Benthos | Food Chain | DNA | Research | Sampling | Marine life | Evolution | Critical thinking | Genetic diversity | Species diversity | Ecosystem diversity Objectives and Outcomes Explain what biodiversity is and its importance. Identify the causes and issues and describe the consequences of biodiversity loss in the ocean, encouraging students to adopt environmentally responsible behaviours and make ethical decisions to preserve biodiversity. Debate, discuss, and challenge different perspectives and issues related to biodiversity.
Topics: Biodiversity. Ocean. Ecosystem Services. Citizen Science.
Suitable Ages: 11. 12. 13. 14.
Keywords: Benthos. Biodiversity. Carbon. Changing Environment. Critical Thinking. Dna. Ecosystem Diversity. Evolution. Food Chain. Genetic Diversity. Management. Marine Life. Organisms. Research. Sampling. Seabed. Species Diversity. Sustainability. Taxonomy.
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Biodiversity encompasses the vast array of living organisms and their ...
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