Save our Seabed - klassifikazzjoni u xbieki tal-ikel - Pakkett tar-Riżorsi

Sommarju tal-Bundle

Save our Seabed - klassifikazzjoni u xbieki tal-ikel

Riżultati tat-Tagħlim: Biex tlesti skeċċ xjentifiku organiżmu misjub f'organiżmu nattiv mergħat tal-ħaxix tal-baħar. Biex tieħu sehem f'diskussjoni dwar kif l-organiżmu tiegħek huwa simili jew differenti minn oħrajn. Biex tara kif inhuma l-organiżmi relatati tassonomikament. Biex tlesti web tal-ikel bħala klassi.

Dan il-Bundle għandu 29 Riżorsas.
Ħallieq tal-Bundle: oct-admin

Suġġetti Relatati: Bijodiversità.

Numru ta' fehmiet: 1041
Numru ta' Downloads: 2
Età: 2 months
Ħin mill-aħħar aġġornament: 2 months

Aqbad id-Dettalji

Classification and food webs activity_0

Classification and food webs activity_0

Classification and food webs activity_1

Classification and food webs activity_1

Classification and food webs activity_2

Classification and food webs activity_2

Classification and food webs activity_3

Classification and food webs activity_3

Classification and food webs activity_4

Classification and food webs activity_4

Classification and food webs activity_5

Classification and food webs activity_5

Classification and food webs activity_6

Classification and food webs activity_6

Classification and food webs activity_7

Classification and food webs activity_7

Classification and food webs activity_8

Classification and food webs activity_8

Classification and food webs activity_9

Classification and food webs activity_9

Classification and food webs activity_10

Classification and food webs activity_10

Classification and food webs activity_11

Classification and food webs activity_11

Classification and food webs activity_12

Classification and food webs activity_12

Classification and food webs activity_13

Classification and food webs activity_13

Classification and food webs activity_14

Classification and food webs activity_14

Classification and food webs activity_15

Classification and food webs activity_15

Classification and food webs activity_16

Classification and food webs activity_16

Classification and food webs activity_17

Classification and food webs activity_17

Classification and food webs activity_18

Classification and food webs activity_18

Classification and food webs activity_19

Classification and food webs activity_19

Classification and food webs activity_20

Classification and food webs activity_20

Classification and food webs activity_21

Classification and food webs activity_21

Classification and food webs activity_22

Classification and food webs activity_22

Classification and food webs activity_23

Classification and food webs activity_23

Classification and food webs activity_24

Classification and food webs activity_24

Classification and food webs activity_25

Classification and food webs activity_25

Classification and food webs activity_26

Classification and food webs activity_26

Save our Seabed: Classification and Food web - lesson plan_0

Save our Seabed: Classification and Food web - lesson plan_0

Save our Seabed: Classification and Food web - lesson plan_1

Save our Seabed: Classification and Food web - lesson plan_1