Save our Seabed - Ecosystem Services - Teacher pack game instructions

Describe an ecosystem service Recognise the difficulty of balancing stakeholder needs with environmental protection Compare the priorities of different stakeholders Defend the position of a particular stakeholder with reasoned argument

Save our Seabed - Ecosystem Services - Teacher pack game instructions_0
Save our Seabed - Ecosystem Services - Teacher pack game instructions_1
Save our Seabed - Ecosystem Services - Teacher pack game instructions_2
Save our Seabed - Ecosystem Services - Teacher pack game instructions_3
Save our Seabed - Ecosystem Services - Teacher pack game instructions_4
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EU Missions Restore Our Ocean and Water
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Iffinanzjat mill-Unjoni Ewropea. Il-fehmiet u l-opinjonijiet espressi huma madankollu dawk tal-awtur(i) biss u mhux neċessarjament jirriflettu dawk tal-Unjoni Ewropea jew tas-CINEA. La l-Unjoni Ewropea u lanqas l-awtorità awtorizzanti ma jistgħu jinżammu responsabbli għalihom.


Il-parteċipanti tar-Renju Unit f'Horizon Europe Project ProBleu [101113001] huma appoġġjati min-numri tal-għotjiet tal-UKRI: 10082336 Earthwatch Europe, 10081234 Plymouth Marine Laboratory u 10082355 Ocean Conservation Trust.

Websajt żviluppata minn Plymouth Marine Laboratory